Apple And Google Are Using your Location Data to Track Who You Have Been Near

April 10, 2020 2 min read

apple and google are tracking your location during coronavirus

Does that title scare you? It should.

During this time of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Apple and Google have banded together to create software that is "privacy-conscious" and on an "opt-in" basis, looking to help prevent COVID Waves in the future.

The idea is that after downloading a public safety application, you can log if you have tested positive for Coronavirus, the software then conducts contact tracing and searches everywhere you have been for the last 14 days and trace routing who you may have been in contact with. They do this by not only searching where your phone has sent out a signal but the ones that have gone out around you to triangulate location. Then contacting who you've been around.

It seems a bit like Big Brother if you ask us, with our civil liberties being gradually brought down.

While you may "opt-in," did the person at the grocery store? This effectively negates the "opt-in" status for everyone.

If the government deems this necessary, what is preventing them from having this forcibly installed on every device? There are reports of cellular companies and governments already working together to find people breaking quarantine and what is stopping them from casting an even wider net.

What can you do?

If you leave your house, store your phone in a Faraday Sleeve. This will stop your phone sending out a signal every few seconds as you go about your errands, or "non-essential needs." This process is used by companies and governments on a daily basis and is known as Geo-Fencing. The idea of someone looking over your shoulder is a scary thought and is only increased during trying times. Dropping your phone in a sleeve is an easy and effective solution to go on or off the grid at your choosing.

Silent Pocket Faraday Signal Blocking Phone Sleeve